The casualties on both sides were far greater than the Isu would ever have anticipated. Im DLC Assassin’s Creed Odyssey - Das Schicksal von Atlantis erwarten den Spieler neue Verbesserungen der bestehenden Fertigkeitsbäume. The individuals known as Tainted Ones, for instance, possessed increased strength and dexterity, and a resistance to the some of the affects of the Pieces of Eden. [6] The Anglo-Saxon branch of the Order of the Ancients compared the Isu to the Archons in Gnostic religion or Nephilim from the Biblical mythos. New chevron_right. [4], The Isu were also physically more imposing than humans, with some individuals standing a full 20 inches taller than humanity[14] Although the Isu had a naturally longer lifespan, they were not immortal. Despite their survival, however, the Isu were unable to fully recover their numbers, and began an inevitable decline toward extinction. View all games. Jahrhundert nur die Assassinen von der genauen Existenz derer, die davor kamen wussten, während die Templer sie noch für Götter hielten. [10], While Minerva openly admitted that the Isu built humanity with the capacity to survive Earth's harsh environments,[4] Juno made it clear that humans were not intended to be "wise", thereby ensuring they were to be obedient and resilient cattle to suit their creator’s needs. [4], A number of Isu scientists not devoted to the war effort had become aware of the imminent catastrophe, however, and endeavored to prevent it by thinking up various solutions so as to protect the Earth. However, the inability of humans to comprehend their creators as anything but gods did allow for their names and characteristics to at least live on. [12], During her natural lifetime, despite one plan to preserve their race resulting in failure, Juno enacted a fail-safe procedure, which allowed her husband Aita to continuously reincarnate in human form. Bis zum Jahr 2012. Prior quests. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Isu Knowledge guide – Cache and Codex locations By James Billcliffe, Tuesday, 16 July 2019 20:03 GMT In the final episode of the Fate of Atlantis … Die Statuetten von Juno, Minerva und Jupiter in einer Stadt kurz vor der Katastrophe. Diese.. [4] They had previously been aware of a fourth being, Consus, as well, but it is unsure if the Order retained this knowledge up until the events of 2012. Doch da die Templer mit ihren Subjekten nie bis zur Gruft gekommen waren, erscheint die zweite Variante logischer. Sie erwähnen außer Minerva und Jupiter noch 6 andere Götter der römischen Mythologie, die möglicherweise auch zu der Spezies der ersten Zivilisation gehören. B. Homo Erectus waren Prototypen des Menschen die später aus Eden verbannt wurden. Atlantis. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - So groß ist die Welt im Vergleich zu Origins Die Map von Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey ist riesig. In others, like Gavin Banks, it could be learned through great practice. [4] The conflict lasted for a decade[1] before abruptly ending when the Great Catastrophe–a coronal mass ejection from the Sun–occurred. In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey macht ihr es euch schon recht früh zur Aufgabe, eure Mutter Myrinne zu finden. [9] Accompanying this, the Isu created Homo neanderthalensis—Neanderthals—whom they designed to be an expeditionary or military force. Die Isu, die der Menschheit auch als die ersten bekannt sind, die erste Zivilisation, oder die Vorläufer, und von Abstergo Industries als Homo sapiens divinus klassifiziert wurden, sind eine uralte und hochentwickelte Spezies humanoider Wesen, die die Stücke Eden geschaffen haben, die menschliche Rasse selbst. [6], Believing that the choosing to do nothing and let the world burn was worse than releasing Juno, Desmond denied Minerva's plea. [2], Through the hybrids, however, certain human bloodlines adopted some of the increased skills and abilities of their creators. [5], Following the Great Catastrophe, a concerted effort was made by a number of Isu to pass on, or awaken, this sixth sense to humanity, their "final, faltering hope". [9], Extensive research done by Clay Kaczmarek suggests that the Isu had radically altered the genetic makeup of a pre-existing species of primates on the planet to create humanity; as a result, this left a large gap with transitional species between archaic hominids and modern humans. Jahrhundert hatte mindestens ein Templer - Rodrigo Borgia - Kenntnis von der Herkunft des Edensplitters und der Existenz und der Natur derer, die davor kamen, auch wenn er fälschlicherweise glaubte, es seien Götter. [6], When it finally came time to use the Eye, Minerva discovered that Juno had tampered with it in such a manner that she would be freed from her imprisonment upon it being activated. This consequently convinced some Isu, like Juno, that humanity should have simply been left as they were.[9]. Im Gegensatz zu den vorherigen Teilen der Serie, bei denen es sich um Action-Spiele handelte, machte die diskutierte Produktion eine starke Wendung in Richtung RPG-Genre, ähnlich wie das Spiel The Witcher … In Assassin's Creed: Origins könnt ihr Bayek mit jeder Menge Outfits einkleiden. Recently added 37 View all 1,218. Mitgliederdaten Einst verstoßen, nun auf dem Weg zur lebenden Legende - beginne eine Odyssee, die die Geheimnisse deiner Vergangenheit lüften und das Schicksal Griechenlands verändern wird. 500 Jahre später scheinen die Assassinen jedoch vergessen zu haben, dass es eine erste Zivilisation gab und ausschließlich die Templer wissen anfangs von deren Existenz. Ultimately, however, they failed; though humanity could "see the blue shimmer [and] "hear the words", they did not fully possess the 'knowledge' of their creators. Darüber hinaus wird angenommen, dass die Isu diese Aufgabe durch genetisches Modifizieren mehrerer Mitglieder der Homo-Gattung mit den Stücken Eden erfüllten, um Menschen anatomisch ähnlich zu ihren Erschaffern erscheinen zu lassen, mit den einzigen Unterschieden, die die Höhe und die Größe des Schädels sind ein Ergebnis, frühe Menschen waren nicht in der Lage, die Isu zu verstehen für das, was sie wirklich waren, und wurden irrtümlich verehrt und als Gottheiten verehrt. videogame_asset My games. Dies wurde bewiesen, als Minerva mit Ezio Auditore in der Gruft in Rom sprach, denn Minerva erklärte Ezio, dass er, als Prophet, nur Desmond Miles repräsentierte und sie eigentlich mit Desmond sprach. [4], Through Desmond's experiences, the Assassins became aware of three separate beings: Minerva, Juno, and Jupiter. In der heutigen Zeit wollte Álvaro Gramática von Abstergo Industries in seiner Eigenschaft als Leiter der Forschung der Zukunftstechnologie die Isu langsam mit Hilfe der von der Firma im Laufe der Zeit gesammelten Edenstücke wieder herstellen. Their former names corresponded to the Etruscan Triad of Deities, while the latter were the names of their Roman counterparts, who made up the Capitoline Triad. videogame_asset My games. Affen und z. Recently added 35 View all 1,216. die Pole vertauschen und eine geomagnetische Umkehrung verursachen und so würde der Planet geologisch instabil werden. Mithilfe von hoch entwickelter mathematischer Berechnungen die Zukunft vorhersagen um eine Lösung für das Problem zu finden. By that point, the Isu had been in a decade long war with a human rebellion led by two hybrids, Adam and Eve, who sought to free humanity from servitude to their "gods". Sie waren verantwortlich für die Entstehung der Menschheit, wodurch sie sie nach ihrem eigenen Bilde schufen, um sie als gehorsame Arbeitskräfte zu benutzen. [4], Minerva refuted this suggestion, however, simply stating that the Templars and Assassins had wasted time "squabbling over [the Isu's] refuse" rather than working together to protect against the Second Disaster. chevron_right . Assassin's Creed Odyssey. [6] This situation was in significant contrast to that in the 15th century, where it had been the Assassins who knew explicitly of the existence of the Precursors, whilst Rodrigo Borgia, Grand Master of the Italian Templars, erroneously believed the Vatican Vault to be the location of God himself. Mods. Die Templer wussten darüberhinaus von der Existenz der Edensplitter und glaubten, diese wären Geschenke der ersten Zivilisation an ihren Orden. Im 15. Die Edensplitter nutzen um alle denkenden Lebensformen zur Abwehr der Katastrophe vereinen. Dies könnte durchaus möglich sein, da sowohl 16, als auch Altaïr, Ezio und Desmond Miles alle das Adlerauge besitzen. According to the Assassin's Creed lore, the Isu became extinct like 70.000 years before the modern time due to the Great Catastrophe. Whether this is a writing error or the Isu scientists withheld information from the rest of their species is unknown. [4] Concurrently, several other members of the Isu took independent steps to influence the thriving human race, attempting to put their knowledge to stone or parchment, though these did not withstand the test of time. [6], Unlike humanity, the Isu possessed triple-helix DNA, As part of their unique genetic makeup, the Isu possessed a triple-helix DNA structure and had six primary senses, as opposed to double-helix DNA sequence and five primary senses of their human creations. Minerva, an Isu and member of the Capitoline Triad, simply stated that her kind "came before" humanity and were responsible for the creation of Homo sapiens as a capable and docile workforce, albeit one formed in their own image. Die, die davor kamen, kontrollierten die Menschen mit dem Edensplitter und zwangen sie zur Arbeit und gehorsam. The Isu are responsible for the creation of the Pieces of Eden, powerful artifacts and weapons that augmented their already superhuman abilities, as well as forming the human race itself. Das Schicksal von Adam und Eva nach ihrem Versuch zu entkommen, ist unbekannt, aber die Menschen und die erste Zivilisation fanden sich bald im Krieg wieder. Physische Transformation, um die Katastrophe zu überleben. It was also through Edward's memories that the analyst would learn of the Sage, Bartholomew Roberts, and his connection to an Isu complex known as the Observatory. By 2012, the Templars possessed a greater understanding of the true nature of the Isu, while the Assassins of this time held suspicions about them as well. Nach einer Rebellion, die von der Mensch-Isu-Hybride Eve angeführt wurde, brach ein Krieg zwischen den Isu und ihren menschlichen Sklaven aus. Due to their long and storied history, and the legacy that their existence left, the Isu,[1][2] as a species, were known by various names to humanity. × Resident Evil 2 (2019) × Resident Evil 3 (2020) × Resident Evil 5 × Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition × Resident Evil 6. chevron_left. The Capitoline Triad–consisting of Minerva, Juno, and Jupiter–decided to lock themselves away in the Grand Temple for years in order to test a variety potential solutions, following which they experimented with the most promising results in underground Temples spread across the globe. Bis 1499 blieben jedoch Hologramme von ihnen auf der Erde, mit denen sie die Menschen vor der Wiederholung der Katastrophe warnen wollten. This article has been identified as being out of date. [5] While the Isu were more technologically advanced and powerful, humanity possessed the advantage of numbers. The quest sees you reach Atlantis. Während der Warnung an Desmond, erwähnt Minerva ihre ehemaligen Namen, Merva und Mera, als auch die Namen ihrer beiden „Kollegen“ Juno und Jupiter, die vorher Uni und Tinia genannt wurden. Standorte Classified Homo sapiens divinus by Abstergo Industries, they were also interchangeably referred to as Those Who Came Before, the First Civilization, or the Precursors,. Zwar war die erste Zivilisation fortgeschrittener, doch die Menschen schienen mit der Zeit alle eine Immunität gegen die Edensplitter zu entwickeln. Durch die Gefahr, die sich als Sonneneruption herausstellte , wurde das meiste Leben auf der Welt zerstört. However, there were some humans–the hybrids–who had been born without these neurotransmitters, which made them immune to the Pieces' mind control capabilities. [12], Despite this façade however, Standish was manipulating the analyst into giving Juno a body to inhabit. close. Beyond this, certain groups of Isu, such as the Capitoline Triad, were believed by most human religions to be a part of a pantheon o… Trending chevron_right. Junos Ehemann Aita stellte sich zur Verfügung, musste jedoch aufgrund eines Fehlschlages von Juno getötet werden. [22], Additionally, Ezio's bloodline allowed him to properly use a Staff and Apple of Eden, combined, to open the Vatican Vault, while Rodrigo Borgia could not. Once a new research analyst came to work for the company to view the memories of Desmond's ancestor, Edward Kenway, a pirate during the eighteenth century, John sought to use their help in hacking the Abstergo information systems in return for advanced security clearance, while having the analyst pass on Abstergo's files and information to the Assassins Rebecca Crane and Shaun Hastings. Allerdings dauerte es bis 1499, bis wieder jemand auf die, die danach kamen traf. Clay's own genetic memories indicated him to be a direct descendant of both Adam and Eve, suggesting that his bloodline, if not many more, would all have access to these abilities. However, this theory can be supported by a hidden file in the audio of, Abstergo Industries classifies them scientifically as. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The lack of evidence for their existence did not prevent select groups of humans throughout time from uncovering their true nature, however. By 1997, the Templars had become aware of this gap in humanity’s evolutionary development and believed that the best way to limit humanity's exposure to the possibility of the existence of the Isu was to arrange for fake skeletons to be planted in an expedition site in Ethiopia, merely to hold accountability for this evolutionary gap. Mysterious as ever, Aletheia told a curious Alexios that their journey together was nowhere near over. 85 BCE. Three representatives of the Isu: Juno, Minerva and Jupiter. "The Isu" and "First Civilization" are two names for the same thing, along with "Those Who Came Before" and the formal Abstergo Industries designation, "homo sapiens divinus." Related points of interest. [12] Although firsthand account from Minerva indicates that both she and Jupiter "walked the world" for centuries, the exact nature of how this took place is unclear. The only difference that this theory has to the explanation of the Isu is that the Isu did not come from outer space, having resided on the Earth and evolved over time. Die Suche wird dann – wie sollte es anders sein – dann aber doch zu einer ziemlichen Odyssey, die euch gefühlt durch halb Griechenland führt. Trotzdem lebte das Erbe der Isu seit Tausenden von Jahren in verschiedenen Mythen und Legenden und wurde zur Grundlage vieler religiöser Humanideale von abrahamitischen bis zu polytheistischen Religionen. Durch Transzendierung den Geist in ein anderes Gefäß übertragen. Jahrhundert begannen die Templer immer mehr über die erste Zivilisation herauszufinden und entdeckten ihre Technologien wieder. close. [4], In order to enforce their control of humanity, various technologies were created by the Isu; the artifacts that mankind would later name "Pieces of Eden". Entdecke üppige Wälder, Vulkaninseln und die geschäftigen Straßen antiker Städte. By the 12th century, the Knights Templar had a limited understanding of the nature of the precursor species. [6], At the same time, Juno had also made plans for the world post-Catastrophe. Jahrhundert, dass der Schwerpunkt der menschlichen Religionen, die Götter, nicht wirklich existierten und, dass Wunder und andere übernatürliche Ereignisse eine Täuschung des Edensplitters waren - einem Gerät, erstellt von jenen, die davor kamen. She was interrupted by the appearance of Minerva, who had used the second Eye shortly before she died, allowing her a look into the future. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey Fate of Atlantis begins with a mission known as The Isu Beckon. Aus diesem Grund waren die Isu dafür verantwortlich, dass Menschen nur als einheimische Arbeitskräfte genutzt wurden. However, it would not be until the year 1499 that humanity would encounter the Isu again, when the Assassin Ezio Auditore encountered a hologram of a being calling herself Minerva in the Vatican Vault. MarBeats 5 months ago #1. Ezio verstand die Nachricht von Minerva nicht. Der Krieg hat schließlich sein Ende, wenn auch mit größeren Verlusten als die erste Zivilisation gerechnet hätte. Bayek of Siwa is born, who serves as the protagonist of Assassin's Creed: Origins; 49 BCE. Assassin's Creed Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. [6], Following Desmond's death, Juno uploaded her consciousness from the Grand Temple to the equipment that was brought by Abstergo Industries to inspect the scene and preserve Desmond's body, led by team leader Case Fisher. Schließlich, obwohl die Menschheit und die erste Zivilisation zunächst in Frieden lebten, brach für einige Zeit der Krieg aus. The Isu are an ancient and highly-advanced species of humanoid beings who were active on Earth during the eponymous era several millennia before the rise of even the most ancient human civilizations. Domenico Auditore, der Erbauer der Villa Auditore, wusste wahrscheinlich von der ersten Zivilisation, da Statuetten in Monteriggioni versteckt sind, die man auf die Podeste, die um die Villa herum stehen, setzen muss. The Isu Beckon Assassin's Creed Odyssey Quest. Wahrscheinlich stammen die genetischen Veränderungen daher, dass Menschen mit denen die davor kamen Nachkommen zeugten und Assassinen zu Hybriden wurden. Der Spieler hat die Möglichkeit, zwischen einem männlichen und weiblichen Protagonisten zu wählen; die nicht ausgewählte Figur wird nach Spielstart einer der Hauptantagonisten. After some time in the temple, Shaun Hastings learned that the power sources for the Isu construct were running low and that the team needed to locate more. Darüber hinaus erwähnte Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad im Kodex, dass ein Edensplitter nicht nur Ereignisse der Vergangenheit zeigen konnte, sondern auch zukünftige Ereignisse, was bedeutet, dass die erste Zivilisation auch Vorhersagen machen könne, dies wird durch Minerva verdeutlicht, die wusste, dass Desmond irgendwann mit dem Animus die Erinnerungen seines Ahnen Ezio wiedererleben kann. I got rid of my faces and went for the heavy blade. Assassin's Creed Odyssey-Komplettlösung: Alle Herausforderungen abschließen und Gravuren freischalten - so geht's. Minerva erzählt in der Gruft von weiteren Tempeln, die von denen erbaut wurden, die sich vom Krieg abwenden konnten. Further still, those Pieces of Eden that survive the Great Catastrophe also influenced early man’s development and eventually became a pivotal desire for both the Templar Order and the Brotherhood of Assassins, who waged a war of their own for control of the Pieces, and by extension humanity’s future. So after all this extra work in theDLC. Geographische Daten Assassin's Creed Wiki ist eine Fandom-Videospiele-Community. A projection of Jupiter controlling humans with an Apple of Eden, Although the Isu were native to Earth and a product of thousands of years of evolution in their own right,[8] their precise origins are unclear. Mehr als Einsteiger-Tipps: Weitere Hilfestellungen zu Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Einsteiger-Tipps sind für den Anfang natürlich immer hilfreich, aber dabei belassen wir es selbstverständlich nicht. Von Shaun Hastings und Lucy Stillman wurde später die Hypothese Aufgestellt, dass diese "Gefahr" aufflammen könnte, wenn eine Abschwächung des Magnetfeldes der Erde eintrifft. Die früheren Namen der Gottheiten entsprechen den etruskischen Triaden, während die Jetzigen Namen der römischen Götter tragen. Assassin's Creed: Timeline - Alle Spiele in chronologischer Reihenfolge 07.10.2020 PS Store - Assassin's Creed Odyssey für PS4 jetzt zum digitalen Bestpreis kaufen [Anzeige] This prompted Desmond to venture out from the Temple to recover them, and on doing so, Juno showed him visions of the solutions the Isu had attempted as he replaced them. When the opportunity finally presented itself though, Juno stated that she was unable to take over the analyst due to the fact that she was scattered too thinly and that there were more artifacts to find and more samples to gather. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey - Das Schicksal von Atlantis: Die 3 neuen Fähigkeiten . Dieser Jemand war Ezio Auditore da Firenze, ein Assassine aus Florenz. Ob sie all dies wussten, weil sie die Informationen durch die Nutzung des Animus bekamen oder ob sie Beweise auf anderen Wegen fanden, ist unbekannt. Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Assassin's Creed Valhalla establish a story arc that seemingly revolves around the pursuit of immortality. This achievement is worth 20 Gamerscore. It is believed that there were certain types of these Pieces that were able to tap simultaneously into a network of neurotransmitters located deep within the human brain, ensuring total obedience through means of remote mind control. [4] Altaïr had previously used his Apple to enlighten the people of Cyprus to Armand Bouchart's lies,[23] and Desmond Miles was able to make great use of the Pieces of Eden in order to enact his plan to rescue his father.[6]. Die erste Zivilisation wurde ein Mythos und eine Legende, mit der Zeit von den meisten Menschen verehrt als Gottheiten. Gleiches gilt für die Bauten der Isu, sobald ihr sie in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey entdeckt habt. Durch die erste Zivilisation entstanden die verschiedenen Glaubensrichtungen und Fehlinterpretationen der Menschheit. Sie wollten Türme errichten, die die Energie von der Sonneneruption absorbieren. Despite the mark they left behind on Earth, the Isu faded into obscurity rather rapidly after the Great Catastrophe. [15] In the Grand Temple, they were also told of Juno's husband, Aita, whom she was forced to euthanize after an experiment for which he had volunteered went wrong. [6] Other individual Isu, such as Consus and Aletheia, survived the disaster when their consciousnesses were digitally preserved,[1][11] while Odin and a select group of Aesir stored their memories within the human gene pool itself with the hope of eventually being reincarnated among the suvivors. Their history shrouded in mystery, the Isu ruled over Earth roughly 77,000 years ago, before they were largely wiped out, alongside their human creations, during the Great Catastrophe. [6], Despite this concentrated effort, however, none of the solutions developed were sufficient to protect even a fraction of Earth’s surface, or the populations thereon. Mithilfe eines Edenapfel, der ein Energieschild erzeugt, die Erde schützen. Isu [12], Following Standish's death, Abstergo began examining his remains and discovered his identity as a Sage. Beachtet man den Kopfschmuck, könnte es Minerva sein. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey zehnte große ausgabe der meistverkauften sandbock-serie, die 2007 lanciert wurde. According to Modern Science, 77,000 years ago, in the Isu Era, there was five species of the Homo genus coexisting: During the transcript of Isu history, imagery could be seen of triangles that resembled the logo utilized by Abstergo Industries. Minerva made the decision to destroy the device rather than risk Juno's release,[6] thus condemning the world to face a second solar flare, which would flip Earth's weakening magnetic field and reverse the polarity where it would make the planet become geologically unstable. Within his genes, they found a high quantity of Isu triple-helix DNA, and began the Phoenix Project in the hope of sequencing the entire Isu genome in order to use the Animus technology and find out the race's scientific secrets, with an emphasis placed on the Pieces of Eden, throughout Isu history. [17] Clay Kaczmarek at one point theorized that the true reason behind the abilities of some Assassins was genetic, suggesting a lineage including both human and Isu blood. Die Templer in Abstergo Industries besaßen ein großes Verständnis der wahren Natur derer, die davor kamen. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Mit dieser letzten Nachricht verschwanden sie endgültig von der Erde. Although Minerva stated she, Jupiter, and Juno were in charge of preventing the first coronal mass ejection, it has been also said that the Isu were too consumed by the war effort to notice the solar activity, making it seem like a majority of the Isu themselves were entirely unaware of the solar flare that was to come except very few scientists. Classified Homo sapiens divinus by Abstergo Industries, they were also interchangeably referred to as Those Who Came Before,[3] the First Civilization,[4][5] or the Precursors. Multiple reincarnations of Aita, colloquially referred to as Sages, were able to exist at the same time, as was the case with Thomas Kavanagh, Jr. and Bartholomew Roberts. videogame_asset My games. Die erste Zivilisation war eine technologisch fortgeschrittene und mächtige Rasse, die besondere Fähigkeiten zu besitzen schien, entweder natürliche oder technologische. Games. This was enabled through the insertion of 'junk code' in the human genome, which would take over a fetus during development, allowing Aita's return to life. How to unlock the Isu Bloodline achievement in Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Completely fill the Knowledge Sequence. [4] According to Abstergo, the average part of Isu DNA in regular humans is comprised between 0.0002% and 0.0005%, but in some individuals it can be higher, like for Desmond Miles–who had a count of 0.952%–or the Sages, who had a count of between 5% and 6%. Eine der ersten Zivilisation, die mit dem Edensplitter einige Menschen zur Arbeit zwingt. chevron_right. Die Beschreibung der ersten Zivilisation trägt auffallende Parallelen zur. [12], By 2013, Aita had been reborn in the form of a Sage named John Standish, who worked as an IT technician at Abstergo Entertainment. Following the Great Catastrophe, the Isu population rapidly declined to the point of near extinction within the century, but their legacy would live on for thousands of years through myth and legend, becoming the focal point of many human religions, whether polytheistic or monotheistic. Zum fünften Mal wurden sie von Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad erwähnt, der im Kodex über sie schrieb. [3] Indeed, the 20th century technology used to view the genetic memories of one's ancestor–the Animus–was based on technology utilized by the Isu to record genetic memories. The secret language first appeared in Assassin's Creed 2, but it's thanks to the latest adventure, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, that the fans were able to finally work out how to decipher the Isu … Auch der Animus war einst eine Technologie derer, die davor kamen. During her warning to Desmond, Minerva made mention of her former names, as well as those of her fellow 'gods'; Merva, Uni, and Tinia, who later became known as Minerva, Juno, and Jupiter, respectively. close. Diese Veränderung ihrer Namen könnte ein Anzeichen dafür sein, dass alle Religionen aus der gleichen Geschichte entstanden sind. She then transferred herself to the Abstergo mainframe, while Abstergo worked on using Desmond's genetic material to create a new initiative dubbed the Sample 17 Project, run by Abstergo Entertainment, to further explore his lineage.
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