Table of Contents Leveling (1-50) Group PvE (Dungeon and Trials) Brutal Butcher Leveling [Updated for Clockwork City by Gilliamtherogue] Objective This build … We don’t need the Major Brutality buff from the potion because we already get that through the skill Molten Armaments. Try to dodgeroll this if possible, you can also use the shield sigil to reflect the poison back at him. After that, two Lurchers spawn, they are the mini bosses of this round and the last mobs before the boss fight. Gear Set Explanation Zaan: Amazing monster set for magicka dragon knight’s for single target. Make sure you have your healing abilities ready and keep your buffs up. They also have physical pounding attacks. If you miss a third time, the boss will do his enraged oneshot spit at you. They are followed by another Berserker and an archer. Halfway through the round, a Crematorial Guard will spawn together with a Dremora. Once he is at 25% of his health, additional mobs will appear, you really need to execute the Captain quickly then. If you die and decide to resurrect at the wayshrine, you can go here and fix your gear. Kill those Lamia first. He has the same attacks as the two before him. Very similar to round 1, but additionally, Webspinners will spawn from now on and try to cover up obelisks you previously freed from webs. If you are too slow, the healers will heal the remaining melee add to full health again, so you really need to kill the Caitiff fast. You absolutely need some sort of heal or shield to survive this stage. The miniboss is a Wamasu which can deal serious damage. If you want, you can charge your ultimate on him as this will be very useful of the start of the next round. Then, continue until the last wave with the second Atronach spawns. This DoT stacks every time you run into a blade and will become difficult to out-heal at some point. At the end of the round, the third Infernal Destroyer will spawn, together with a fire Shalk and a fire caster. You have to make sure to use this specific buff-food. Welcome to our ESO Stamina Dragonknight DPS Build called The Butcher. You won’t see them being used in score runs by top players, as the use of sigils means a lower score, but they can really help you to get through veteran Maelstrom Arena. Consider taking the axe sigil early on. They have very low health and therefore die quickly. Queen’s Advisor (Round 3): this is a Hagraven miniboss that can pull you through the arena, possibly into the electrified water. Just damage them in turns and always try to get them to stack close together, that way you don’t have to reapply all your ground AoEs every time one shields himself and another one stands up. It grants you the Major Expedition buff, which increases your movement speed by 30%. By activating the axe sigil, you will get a huge damage boost, the shield sigil is nice because it will reflect the light attacks of the boss back to him. Either dodge or block the chains or get out of the standard as quick as you can, a few damage ticks will kill you. Make sure to bookmark the link as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. They deal a lot of damage and you want to avoid getting hit by them. Once he’s finished screaming, the surviving Argonian Minder has to die quickly, otherwise he will do a teleport attack on you which knocks you down and deals a considerable amount of damage. The Warding Stone needs to be destroyed before the miniboss can be damaged. Make sure to always kill appearing Venom Callers. Once that enemy is dead, you can focus on the other ones. This boss shouldn’t be too difficult as long as you stay out of the water, avoid AoE attacks and keep an eye out for the Stranglers. One of the uncovered obelisks will have a golden glow and serve as a savespot from the appearing spider swarms. Can be interrupted, this is not recommended though. Spiderkith Daedra; especially the dual-wielding Berserkers can get annoying because they can stun/root you with their Nightblade abilities. All but one obelisk will be covered in the beginning. This round starts with a Dremora Gandrakyn healer and a Crematorial Guard. Here are 10 of the BEST builds in ESO for the Dragonknight that can save you tons of time and effort constructing your own. Destroy the stones again with the same tactic; take a short break after the second one to kill another spawning flame caster. Just don’t lose your nerve and stay focused, if you got this far, you will manage to kill Voriak Solkyn as well. It also increases your health, magicka and stamina recovery. This will make it easy to deal with the additional spawning Lurcher. This boss can be a real pain for inexperienced players. He also has chains to pull you into his AoEs. This will enhance our Max Stamina and Stamina Recovery by a huge margin. Dwarven Spheres: These start to appear from Round 2 onward. If they live too long, they will get into a “charge mode”, recognizable by a blue glow and a shield around the spider. If a Crematorial Guard is alive down there, it will die now. As always, focus on the healers first. They have very little health so this shouldn’t take long. If your damage is good enough, you can kill her in this one phase. This will leave you with little to no space to fight, so make sure to kill the Venom Caller as quickly as possible. Round 4 starts off with two mages and two giants who can deal massive damage with their AoE abilities. The boss is levitating in the middle, you can’t attack him in this phase. If you want, you can uncover four obelisks during the course of the round and free the last one once the Flesh Atronach appears, you can easily burn him down during the stun. To get rid of the bleed, you completely have to avoid taking damage from the blades for eight seconds. You will want to stay rather close to them, however, enemies will get a strong damage shield when they step into a pool, so don’t camp inside them. Ash Titan (Round 5): He shoots fireballs at you, they do little damage. Dremora Kyngald: Dremora fire mages, their most dangerous attack is their “inferno” attack, it’s a flame wheel they are casting above their head which shoots fire balls at you. Kill the Heartfinder first, but beware of the Frostbiter’s wrecking blow ability. They are followed by a Berserker and another Venomshot. You will have to deal with several waves of different types of Spiderkith enemies. Her resistances will increase, so she takes less and less damage. Lightning phase: He will start with this phase. At 25%, the last set of adds will spawn. This will be the permanent updated home for T3 so make sure to bookmark and check back for updates. If you have your ultimate ready at the start of the round, use it on the first wave of mobs on the Speed Sigil platform. This attack has a small AoE and you can still attack them while standing outside of it. The passive Combustion returns stamina whenever the poison status effect procs from stuff like Venomous Claw, Noxious Breath or Poisons. Alcast has been playing The Elder Scrolls Online since the Beta and has knowledge of all types of classes and builds in the game. You need to cleanse this in one of the two green glowing puddles at either side of the room. A Magicka Sorcerer VMA Build that will help you get the weapon you are after or push your VMA scor… The boss fight of this round is a fight against three large Centurions. You can also buy Repair Kits from Guild Traders, which is usually cheaper then using the repair function on the NPC. Make sure not to get caught by the little whirlwind that follows you, the snare will make it difficult to get out of the black ground AoE. Welcome to Hack The Minotaur 's top 5 easiest builds for beginners in … He will spawn adds who are smaller copies of him. Our focus with this build is survivability. This also is the reason why I don’t recommend wearing Grothdarr for this fight. If a healer appeared, kill it! You can run away to kill trolls that run to the other platform, but always go back to the platform with the healing sigil. Watch out for the Kynlurkers, those are nightblade-like enemies that can stun you with ambush and soul tether. This is important because the Light Attacks deal very good damage and proc your Weapon Enchantments and Poisons. After a while, Maxus will port away and spawn another add at his new position. Maelstrom Arena: Perfect Run – Complete Maelstrom Arena on veteran difficulty without dying or leaving the arena. Do so in every round that follows. If you are in melee range and the Wamasu stands up on his hind legs, run away! Dremora Narkynaz (Round 4 and last phase of Boss Fight): Those Dremora spawn at the edge of the arena and slowly walk towards the middle. Now things get tricky. The incoming damage from some enemies is insane, so as a beginner, I don’t recommend using a full-dps-build. You can buy it in the guild stores for a very cheap price or craft it yourself, if you have the recipe. All their attacks can be reflected with the shield sigil or player abilities. Interrupt his smashing attack on the platform he runs to or kill him from range. This time it’s a frost mage and another melee. The Ritual 64 Mighty, 40 Thaumaturge, 52 Precise Strikes, 53 Piercing The Atronach 61 Master-at-Arms The Apprentice The Shadow 31 Shadow Ward, 61 Tumbling The Lover 43 Tenacity, 56 Mooncalf The Tower 56 Warlord, 23 Bashing Focus The Lord 32 Quick Recovery The Lady 49 Hardy, 49 Elemental Defender, 48 Thick Skinned The Steed 61 Ironclad, 31 Spellshield, The Ritual 56 Mighty, 34 Thaumaturge, 34 Precise Strikes, 42 Piercing The Atronach 34 Master at Arms The Apprentice The Shadow 25 Shadow Ward,  57 Tumbling The Lover 43 Tenacity, 49 Mooncalf The Tower 23 Warlord, 3 Bashing Focus The Lord The Lady 49 Hardy, 49 Elemental Defender, 37 Thick Skinned The Steed 37 Ironclad, 28 Spell Shield, The Ritual 16 Thaumaturge, 27 Mighty, 18 Precise Strikes, 23 Piercing The Atronach 16 Master at Arms The Apprentice The Shadow 13 Tumbling, 13 Shadow Ward The Lover 27 Tenacity, 32 Mooncalf The Tower 15 Warlord The Lord The Lady 27 Hardy, 27 Elemental Defender, 28 Thick Skinned The Steed 16 Ironclad, 2 Spell Shield. This round starts with two healers and a melee add. If he enrages before you can kill him, make sure to dodge his attacks. Infernal Destroyer: Those Lurchers serve as the mini bosses for Rounds 1, 2 and 3. His fire DoT would stay on you and kill you otherwise. You can buy the food in the guild stores for a very cheap price, or craft it yourself if you have the recipe. White Ghosts: Those ghosts fly through the arena; if you run into them, you get quite a lot of damage and an annoying snare gets put on you. After that time is up, the stones will get repaired again and you have to repeat the process of destroying them. It means that you try to keep running away from the monsters, but still facing them. Venomstrike is a Stamina Dragonknight Bow PVE Build with strong Poison attacks. Table of Contents Leveling Build End Game PvE Build Maelstrom Laceration *out of date PvP Laceration Magic Dragonknight Leveling Build [Updated for Dragon Bones by Gilliamtherogue] Objective The purpose of this build… Run away again, unto the platform which has both the damage and the healing sigil. Note: You can miss an obelisk mechanic (Webspinners, Hoarvors or a combination of the two) two times. You can find a guide here on that subject: “Weaving Beginner Guide”. Don’t do this while you have Call Lightning on you or while being chased by mobs. Here are the recommended Red Champion Points for Maelstrom Arena Veteran. I recommend having at least 300 Champion Points before you try out the veteran Maelstrom Arena. The scream can be interrupted, but this is something that you absolutely don’t want to do as a beginner, as the boss stays enraged if you interrupt him and all his attacks will basically oneshot you from now on. A Hoarvor will spawn right at the beginning of the fight, make sure to free a second obelisk with it. One Bar Magicka Sorcerer Build easy mode Maelstrom Arena Clear. Go for some survivability too, self-heals and/or shields are important, and make sure your sustain is good as well. Alcast has been playing The Elder Scrolls Online since the Beta and has knowledge of all types of classes and builds in the game. The wall will break after the blast attack. After the Leimenids are dead, the last wave of mobs appears. The healing sigil puts a potent HoT on you which will help you to outheal the bleed DoT, and the speed sigil makes avoiding the blades easier while also increasing your resource recovery. It’s an archer and a melee add. Focus one of the Minders down immediately, preferably the one who’s further away from the boss. All these things are important, I will give you one example to showcase how fast you can lose power. Alcast didn't give the original created of the build credit at all and just because alcast is more popular it instantly is his build. Then destroy the Warding stone and after that, kill the Infernal Destroyer like in the previous rounds. This round, you will have to fight against another Flesh Atronachs and a Spiderkith Enervator mage. This arena has a lot of fire damage, if you are a stage 4 vampire you should consider using some Double Bloody Mara to reduce your vampirism stage, otherwise the incoming damage can get very high. If you have died in the boss fight and have to start over, all but one obelisk will be covered by a web. You also have to focus the Crematorial Guard if your explosion synergy is not ready yet. Make sure to always have two pillars un-webbed! This way you can still damage the monsters but they have to get to you first before they can deal damage. After a little practice however, you will see that this boss has the most choreography-like fight in the whole game, as almost every mechanic is time-based here. Pve builds for all content along side pvp builds for battlegrounds and cyrodiil. If you don’t have access to Mythic items, please use the gear setups above. (If you have really good damage, you can even get him down to 70% even before he ports away from the middle or before the first Crematorial Guard spawns.). If you want to learn more about the different racial passives that each race offers, check out my Race Guide which explains everything in detail. Damage is also easily covered due to the Noxious Breath spammable applying Major Fracture, reducing the enemies physical resistance by a lot and we have plenty of damage over time effects that deal good damage such as: Venomous Claw, Consuming Trap and Endless Hail, more on these skills in the skill section. Once you ported, you will find yourself on a ring-shaped platform with three crystals. After a short while, Maxus will spawn an add which will attack you as well, combined with the black ground he conjures and the boss’ ranged attacks this is a lot of incoming damage. During the lightning phase, the boss is moving and will shoot lightning attacks all around him. A Magicka Necromancer VMA Build that will help you get the weapon you are after. If you would rather skip all the work and just get a huge list of perfect build templates for all roles and playstyles, you should get our Character Builds Guide where we walk you through step-by-step how to copy the best builds within minutes and you can become one of the top Dragonknights in The Elder Scrolls Online. At the end of the round, a Swamp Troll will appear. You have to reset her enrage stage by stunning her. This DoT gets stronger the longer you stay up here. Make sure to not stand too close to him at this point or you will get hit by several fire waves at once. Light Attack: He shoots a small projectile at you, doesn’t deal a lot of damage. The speed sigil can be really helpful here as it mitigates the snare from the Spider Daedra a bit and help you to get to the obelisks in time. The Vale of the Surreal serves as the first stage of the Maelstrom Arena and is a sort of check to make sure you meet the very minimum requirements in terms of dps and survivability to beat the arena. The first waves of mobs shouldn’t be too difficult, kill them while keeping an eye out for stranglers and the environmental mechanics. Necrotic Swarm: Interruptible channeled attack which rapidly shoots skulls at the player. You should consider using the shield sigil at this point to save yourself from the damage the Centurions do to you. You can take your time, keep an eye on your resources and play each mechanic when it happens. The speed sigil comes in very handy here. Trolls will continue to appear. Their light attacks deal a lot of damage. ESO Dragonknight Builds from Xynode Gaming for The Elder Scrolls online. However, if a Crematorial Guard gets close to you and manages to get his fire DoT on you, you absolutely have to kill him before going up. Now, the boss will shoot his skull attack at you twice (with around five seconds between the two skulls.). Make sure you deal with the Leimenid that spawned from the breaking first platform. If you are playing with a ranged interrupt such as “Crushing Shock”, make sure to NOT use it on the boss while he is screaming. You have to deal with several waves of Dremora again. This is the last mob of this round, deal with him like you did in round 1. Enraged Scream: This is highly deadly and will kill you within one or two seconds if you aren’t shielded by an Argonian Minder. Grab the speed sigil and run away. Once they arrive there, they will start a summoning ritual.
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