Amongst the features responsible for this popularity are that Silestone quartz countertops present extreme durability in kitchen and bathroom spaces where traffic and daily use is high, and also the endless colours possibilities … Downloads. Se si usano candeggina o solvente, vanno sempre diluiti in acqua e mai lasciati a contatto permanente con la superficie. Discover the Silestone quartz surfaces, an architectural solution ideal for different applications such as bathroom and kitchen countertops, flooring or sidings. Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more than 90% of natural quartz which means it possesses strength in its surfaces, providing outstanding resistance and durability properties that you need in your home. Download Silestone technical documentation: technical datasheets by color, certificates, comparatives with marble, natural stone or solid surfaces Silestone® is a combination of natural quartz and other raw materials that are extraordinarily hard and resilient. Silestone, leader in high quality quartz surfaces for the world of the design and architecture, presents his colour Silestone is a non-porous and stain-resistant surface for coffee, wine, lemon juice and many other everyday products. Néanmoins, sa performance varie en fonction de différents facteurs tels que l'épaisseur, la couleur, l'emplacement, etc...Pour cette raison, les contacts permanents à de fortes sources de chaleur ne sont pas recommandés de même que le contact direct avec des casseroles, des plats sortants du four...Nous vous conseillons donc d'utiliser des reposes-plats. High Temperatures While Silestone can withstand direct contact with high temperatures for short periods of time, it is not recommended to subject your countertops to sustained contact with a heat source, nor should hot saucepans, frying pans, deep-fat fryers, etc. Ne pas placer le Silestone en extérieur ou dans des endroits à forte exposition aux UV. • Visualizza un'immagine reale in 3D del tuo progetto. silestone prezzi sono resistenti alla corrosione e all'umidità. Having all the information needed to undertake a new project or design is fundamental, thus, we offer you a wide range of videos, documentation and graphic resources that you can use, share and download to expand your knowledge about Silestone and its … Si consiglia sempre di posizionare oggetti caldi su di un poggiapentola. Ne pas placer le Silestone en extérieur ou dans des endroits à forte exposition aux UV. Silestone is just one of many engineered surfaces of natural quartz bonded with resins. Quando questo prodotto rimane sulla superficie per più di 12 ore, si può causare una perdita di brillantezza. Silestone est le leader et le spécialiste de tous les types de surfaces et de comptoirs en quartz pour cuisines et salles de bains. Non utilizzare prodotti … Natural quartz is ground and mixed at a ratio of approximately 95 to 5 with resin to create a durable, attractive work surface. Mantiene infatti inalterata nel tempo la brillantezza della superficie (a differenza di altri detergenti troppo aggressivi che tendono ad opacizzare). As it’s almost entirely made of quartz, Silestone is highly resistant to scratches. Per questo motivo non è consigliabile che il prodotto sia posto a contatto prolungato con una fonte di calore; ugualmente si sconsiglia di poggiarvi sopra pentole calde, padelle, friggitrici, ecc. Silestone provides the touch of distinction and functionality that your kitchen needs. Turn to the professionals at Granite Marble & Express for the best Silestone quartz countertops for your home or business. ... consigliandoti altri ambienti della casa nei quali potresti utilizzare Silestone®, fornendoti tutte le informazioni necessarie per una perfetta manutenzione del piano di lavoro e per la corretta registrazione online della tua garanzia Silestone. It’s a little known fact but direct sunlight will fade any brand of quartz, and Silestone is no exception. Ne pas utiliser de produits à base de chlore comme le dichlorométhane (présent dans tout décapant). Silestone Kitchens ®. Although Silestone can withstand high temperatures for short periods of time, its performance varies with respect to different factors like thickness, color, location, etc. Non utilizzare idrofughi, sigillanti o brillantanti. Thanks to Cosentino’s extensive network, the Silestone brand can be found anywhere in the world.A unique stone that could only come from the combination of the best that nature has to offer and the most advanced technology.Silestone has a sophisticated appearance; it has the feel and weight of natural stone but with a much higher … How do I know if my Silestone is original? Si tratta di una superficie eccellente per piani cucina, bagni, pavimenti e rivestimenti a parete, con l'impiego minimo di fughe. • Visualisez une image 3D réelle de votre design, • Exportez votre projet pour avoir le calcul total de la surface utilisée. Enregistrez en ligne la garantie pour votre comptoir, Découvrez notre gamme complète de couleurs, Avertissement légal et politique de confidentialité. Sigillanti e idrofughi producono una lucentezza artificiale e temporanea. Q-Action vanta caratteristiche che ne fanno un prodotto unico. We are a Silestone® approved fabricator and provide a 10 year manufacturers warranty. Non collocare Silestone all'aperto né in luoghi esposti a raggi U.V. Lieu : Via Trentino Alto Adige 69, Cazzago di Pianiga (VE), 30030 Use a … Sigillanti e idrofughi producono una lucentezza artificiale e temporanea. Learn the key pros and cons of Silestone Countertops versus other countertop options so that you can make a more informed decision before you buy. Dotato di componenti ad asciugatura rapida e realizzato con saponi naturali. Ravviva la lucentezza dopo ogni utilizzo. Se candeggina e solvente restano a contatto col prodotto oltre le 12 ore, si può causare una perdita di brillantezza. Ne pas utiliser de produits hydrofuges ou de résines pour faire ressortir l'éclat. Progetta la tua cucina con la nuova applicazione Cosentino Kitchen 3D e dai vita al tuo progetto. Silestone has become the perfect option for kitchen and bathroom countertops over and above other traditional materials such as granite or natural stone. Amongst the features responsible for this popularity are that Silestone quartz worktops present extreme durability in kitchen and bathroom spaces where traffic and daily use is high, and also the endless colours possibilities … Registra online la garanzia del tuo piano di lavoro. Silestone Quartz for kitchen and bathroom countertops. Silestone is a manufactured material made from natural quartz. Abbinali con mobili, pavimentazione, top cucina ... • Combina tutti i colori di Silestone e Dekton per creare il tuo piano cucina, • Crea e condividi i tuoi progetti online, Non dimenticare di scaricare sul tuo tablet o smartphone tutte le applicazioni Cosentino. ... Silestone est composé à 94% de quartz naturel, ce qui lui donne ses caractéristiques uniques. Silestone has become the perfect option for kitchen and bathroom countertops over and above other traditional materials such as granite or natural stone. Silestone è costituito da oltre il 94% di quarzo naturale, che lo rende straordinariamente duro e resistente. Q-Action è un prodotto specialmente pensato per la pulizia in profondità del top cucina. Although Silestone can withstand high temperatures for short periods of time, its performance varies with respect to different factors like thickness, color, location, etc. Au fil du temps, les couleurs et tonalités de la surface quartz Silestone peuvent être affectées par l'effet des rayons du soleil. Making the right choice of material for your kitchen will be one of the key decisions in designing the space. Combinez-les avec des meubles, des revêtements de sol, comptoirs... • Associez toutes les couleurs de Silestone et de Dekton pour comptoirs, • Créez et partagez vos projets sur les réseaux sociaux, N'oubliez pas de télécharger sur votre tablette ou votre smartphone toutes les applications du Groupe Cosentino. High scratch resistance. Gamma colori e finiture delle superfici in quarzo Silestone per piani di lavoro cucina e top bagno Grâce à sa technologie effervescente, il élimine la saleté tout en gardant votre surface de quartz Silestone étincelante. di lavoro Quarzo vs Granito. These characteristics combine to create an ideal surface for kitchen countertops, bathrooms, flooring and wall siding. ... Entretien Silestone. Silestone Countertops. Natural, durable and affordable, the perfect touch for your décor. Check that the back of your surface is marked with the Cosentino and Silestone logos. Ne jamais utiliser: l'acide fluorhydrique, le dichlorométhane, NaOH - soude caustique (hydroxyde de sodium), les décapants pour peinture. Le Silestone peut résister à des températures élevées pendant de courtes périodes de temps. Silestone quartz surfaces and worktop maintenance. Non utilizzare prodotti decapanti, soda caustica, o prodotti con un PH superiore a 10. Quand le produit reste sur la surface pendant plus de 12 heures, il peut faire perdre de son éclat à la matière. Silestone Is Harder To Stain Vous obtiendrez une image en 3D de votre cuisine. Normally, Silestone vs quartz cost may vary from each other to an extent because of the mentioned characteristic that is unique only to this brand. Silestone by Cosentino is one of the reputable quartz manufacturers that have developed some amazing natural looking colors. If you haven't seen the look of quartz surfaces in the past few years, you are missing out.. Quartz counter surfaces have come a long way from that pebbly look that many people know. Les produits hydrofuges et les résines ne fournissent qu'un éclat éphémère et artificiel. Nel corso degli anni, il colore e il tono dei prodotti Silestone possono risentire l'effetto dei raggi del sole. Haute résistance: Acides, huiles, café, vin, boissons gazeuses, etc. We like to keep a few of the most popular Silestone colours as part of our current inventory for our customers. Introduce the beauty of quartz into your home and bring elegance and resilience to … It is a material that can embrace its environment. Visit the section.. What is Silestone. Silestone, the only quartz surface with 25 years warranty, allows you to design your space however you want, combining its wide range of colours and textures. Vim® Actifizz® Multi-usage en vaporisateur déloge facilement la saleté quotidienne dans la maison. be placed directly atop your countertops. Silestone Quartz. Colours and finishes for Silestone quartz surfaces and kitchen and bathroom worktops. Une fois le comptoir installé, l'éclat et la brillance de la surface Silestone correspondent à l'éclat naturel du produit. Cleaning Cleaning your quartz countertops is a breeze. C. La superficie del materiale - applicato tanto a pavimento che come piano di lavoro - non deve essere rilucidata. Configurez votre propre cuisine avec la nouvelle application de Cosentino Kitchen 3D pour donner vie à votre projet. Isoler la surface Silestone des sources de chaleur (friteuses, etc.). Silestone is the world leader in quartz surfaces. Non utilizzare prodotti sgrassanti aggressivi, come quelli utilizzati per la pulizia del forno. I prodotti contengono un'alta percentuale di quarzo naturale, oltre a resine e agenti di polimerizzazione e accoppiamento .. silestone prezzi sono adatti per vari scopi di decorazione d'interni. Una volta installato, Silestone rifletterà naturalmente la luce. Silestone quartz surfaces and countertop maintenance. La Javel et les solvant peuvent continuer d'affecter le produit 12 heures après avoir été en contact. Silestone® quartz comes in a variety of colours, finishes, sizes and thicknesses which are ideal for kitchen and bathroom worktops. Non usare in nessun caso: acido fluoridrico, diclorometano, NaOH - soda caustica, svernicianti. Alta resistenza a: Acidi, olio, caffè, vino, bibite, ecc. The pigments used to add color to the resin don’t mix well with UV rays. Silestone Color Assistant helps you choose a Silestone color, by considering all possibilities including texture, grain and color In just a few weeks of exposure dark colors will lighten and whites will begin to turn yellow. Ne pas utiliser de produits dégraissants tels que ceux utilisés pour l'entretien des fours. La surface du matériau ne doit pas être re-polie - ceci est valable pour toutes les applications du Silestone. Silestone® Quartz Worktops . Made from 93% quartz and 7% polymer resin to create the look and feel of granite but provide a more solid colour, with options for mirror flecks, natural stone and concrete effects. silestone prezzi … N'utilisez pas de décapants, de produits à base d'hydroxyde de sodium, ou de produits avec un pH supérieur à 10. Rimuove ogni tipo di macchia (vino, olio, limone, pennarello..). • Esporta il tuo progetto con il calcolo totale della superficie impiegata. Aside from the colors that it prides itself in, Silestone offers the strongest warranty among its counterparts at 25 years (limited) possessing transferability and the absence of pro-rata limitations. Lorsque ce produit reste sur la surface pendant plus de 12 heures, il peut faire perdre son éclat à la matière. Produits de nettoyage alcalin avec un pH> 12: Ne pas utiliser pour l'entretien. Avrai un'immagine 3D della cucina da te disegnata. Since Silestone worktops are manufactured from natural quartz, variations in the colour, shape and pattern of the stone may occur and unique characteristics are to be expected with this product. Associez tous les produits Cosentino dans notre simulateur de couleurs jusque dans 8 environnements différents. Au fil du temps, les couleurs et tonalités de la surface Sebbene Silestone possa sopportare temperature elevate per brevi periodi di tempo, le sue prestazioni possono variare in base a diversi fattori come spessore, colore, posizione, ecc. Combina tutti i prodotti Cosentino con il nostro simulatore di colori e con un massimo di 8 ambientazioni diverse. Silestone® Quartz has the look and feel of granite, but provides a much more consistent and solid colour for your kitchen worktop. Surface materials extend beyond the countertop to include sinks, backsplashes, flooring and wall siding. Silestone is mainly made of quartz, one of the hardest natural minerals, which makes it resistant to scratching, staining and impact. Eau de Javel: Ne pas utiliser pour l'entretien. Si des javellisants ou des solvants sont utilisés, ils doivent être dilués avec de l'eau et ne jamais rester en contact permanent avec le produit. Now you can have quartz counters that look just like marble or granite. Engineered quartz is more resistant to surface damage than traditional laminates and less likely to fracture than quarried granite. Con Ph Dermoprotettivo per la cura delle mani. Una volta installato, Silestone rifletterà naturalmente la luce. Si raccomanda pertanto l'uso di un poggiapentola in tali situazioni. Nous recommandons de toujours placer les objets chauds sur des reposes-plats. Let us help you achieve that luxurious, quality look you desire. Prodotti detergenti alcalini con pH> 12: non utilizzare per la manutenzione: quando il prodotto rimane sulla superficie per più di 12 ore, si può causare una perdita di brillantezza. Tenere Silestone lontano da fonti di calore (friggitrici, ecc.). della Silestone il Tao è nero nero uniforme, ma forse troppo uniforme, un colore che sembra un pò piatto, invece mi piace vedere un luccichio tipico del quarzo e poi c'è l'opposto: lo stellar negro che allora ha pezzi molto grossi di quarzo; Candeggina: non utilizzare per la pulizia. Simply use a damp, non-abrasive cloth or soft sponge with a mild soap or detergent to clean the surface. Evitare l'impiego di prodotti a base di cloro come il diclorometano (presente negli svernicianti). Many options are available, including splashbacks, window … From traditional to contemporary, Silestone has a great range that can cater to all designs. The continuity can flow in your kitchen with Silestone, you can cover the flooring, walling, backsplash, front or downstand of your worktop. Image gallery of kitchens, bathrooms and other projects with Silestone quartz surfaces in countertops, floors, walls and other projects
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